segusoLand Frequently Asked Questions

Why was the development of segusoLand terminated?

There were technical and conceptual problems.

segusoLand's main features were 1) narrowing 2) abstraction from the concept of "location". While the former was proven to be a good feature, the latter has manifested some intrinsic problems:

Therefore, in segusoLand's successor, the idea of abstracting from the file system was abandoned.

What the heck does sniggerproflig... snegourkaland... "segusoLand" mean?

"seguso" is my nickname (I know there are people who are more fortunate). Seguso was a tennis player whose name I found to be entertaining.

I got many complaints about this. I am evaluating the possibility to change the name to Universal Wizard, Seguso Smart Selector, Personal Slave, Portable Assistant, Mr. Jesus Christ.

Suggestions are welcome. The renaming (if any) will be done before version 1.0.

What kind of user does segusoLand target?

The primary target is someone who is not a computer illiterate, can already use another OS, but wants to quickly switch to Linux, without spending time learning anything.

This is why segusoLand must not be learnt. You already know how to use it. Believe it or not :-)

However, we feel segusoLand is good for the computer illiterate and the expert too.

What is innovative about segusoLand and what isn't?

The innovation of segusoLand is the actual means used for hiding irrelevant informations: "reciprocal list narrowing". This means that there are many lists (verbs, programs, files, devices...), and selecting an item from any list X triggers narrowing of X itself and all the other lists. For example, selecting a program "gimp" hides all programs that don't make sense with gimp, all files that can't be opened by gimp, all actions that cannot be executed by gimp, and so on.

Another innovation is that the narrowing is cumulative, i.e. if you select two or more items (possibly from different lists), you only see the items that make sense with all the selected items. For example, if you select both k3b and a pdf file, you don't see "Burn audio cd" because it doesn't make sense with the pdf, and you don't see the printer because it doesn't make sense with k3b.

There are also other (less important) innovations: segusoLand is the first program of this kind that can be task-oriented (verb-oriented), file-oriented, device-oriented, and program-oriented. Traditionally, start menus are program-oriented or task-oriented; file managers are file-oriented and device-oriented, and wizards are task-oriented.

segusoLand is also the first program with the ambition to provide a uniform interface: you do everything with the same paradigm (e.g. you shutdown your computer the same way you play an mp3).

What's the big deal? I see no difference with a context-sensitive popup menu. Why don't you simply use a pop-up menu, instead of the verb panel? Maybe activated by right-clicking?

segusoLand already has a widget for displaying context-sensitive actions: the "verb panel". This widget is a "narrowing menu", i.e. a generalization of a traditional context-sensitive menu. It is like a context-sensitive menu in that it shows only the actions that make sense with the current selection. But it is more powerful:

Why don't you remove devices? They are useless.

Nothing could be farther from the truth: selecting the device triggers narrowing, i.e. all files/verbs/programs that don't make sense with it disappear. So, selecting a device FIRST makes you spare time LATER, when you must select the file. That's the beauty of narrowing. :-)

I read the Human Interface Guidelines. About not hiding complexity, but showing it as much as possible, you are completely crazy. Then why don't you add a panel for choosing the printing resolution? After all, that is configurable too.

You have misread the Human Interface Guidelines. The guidelines state that you should not hide the options that your program offers. This does not mean that the program should offer any possible option. It would be extremely silly to add a panel in segusoLand to change the printing resolution, because selecting a resolution would not result in any more narrowing than already happens when selecting the printer.

On the other hand, a program such as kprinter had better not hide the option to change the printing resolution.

The screen is just too cluttered initially. It will scare the newbie, defeating the purpose

This has been solved with the introduction of the concept panel. See the screenshots page.

How do I start a new action? Everything has disappeared.

Deselect one or more items by clicking them again. The options will reappear. Also have a look at the "deselect all" button.